I also noticed our extraordinary surroundings. We were alone in an enormous, open room with a ceiling that extended thirty feet upwards. The magnificent chair on the raised podium allowed me to conclude that this was the throne room. The silver throne, with its graceful curves, shined brightly; shimmering blue sapphires were embedded in the head of it. Torches lit the entire place. Normally that might seem dark and dismal, but just enough light came from them to make it glorious.

Light blue tapestries with brilliant silver embroideries lined each wall. I noticed that stars were the constant theme for the designs. There were several stunning marble statues of warriors set along the walls. There were occasional tables with various trinkets of silver that sparkled beautifully in the torchlight. Two very plush couches rested on either side of the room; both sofas were pale blue and furnished with silver, giving them a majestic look. A towering fireplace warmed the entire room, making it all the more comfortable. One wall – the wall directly behind the throne – had been constructed entirely of glass, meaning that this place was probably even more enchanting in the day time.

The man hesitated, “I-I think… She’s the one.”

The lady gasped. “Really?” I felt her hand on my face again. “What makes you think so? Here, lay her down there.”

He walked over to the side of the room and laid me down on one of the couches. I just about passed out again, engulfed in the comfort of the cushion, but was too interested in “She’s the one.”

“Droll! Come at once!” the queen called.

A servant ran into the room, “Yes, milady?”

“No one is allowed in this room. Is that understood?” She gestured to her guest, “I must speak with him alone.”

“Yes, milady.”

“Very well. Care to this girl. Do everything you can for her!”

“Yes, milady.”

The servant went to carry me away when the man who brought me said, “My lady, you do not understand her condition. I …,” a long pause, “I think she needs…” he couldn’t finish.

The lady gasped as she realized. “Are you mad?”

The man sighed.

“We don’t even know if it will work! And if it’s not her, she’ll die!”

With a serious tone, “And if it is her, and we don’t do it, we’ll all die.”

Suddenly things got tense. Droll stood there, waiting to be dismissed – quite relieved when he was.

After the door closed behind him, my carrier tried to speak up again, but didn’t get the chance.

“But it’s not supposed to happen so fast!” The queen seemed as if she were about to have a meltdown. She welled with fear, but I couldn’t figure out why. She seemed as if she were about to break into some hysterical place as she said, “We were supposed to prepare her for this… we were supposed to prepare for this!” Her eye’s pooled, “We–”

“Aurora,” the man placed his hand on her shoulder trying to get her to focus. He said the word calmly while trying to bring her back down, but he swallowed apprehensively as her eyes met his.